
A Successful Woman – 10

I remember our last night together.  I remember the coldness and distance that existed during the subsequent days.

I remember shrugging it off at the time, thinking Mickey was being childish, being resentful that I had won the award.

I had packed and said my good byes with no sense of loss or regret and traveled to another City to take up the Fellowship.

I was so excited, so busy. It was months before I thought of  Mickey. That was before I was about to hook up with another man whose name escapes me now.

It was that feeling which diverted me,and I walked away. That man was not half of Mickey, and why should I waste my time?

I didn’t regret leaving Mickey, I didn’t want to go back. I wanted the opportunity and would do everything to get it, hold it, and use it.

So people were secondary, tertiary, my career was first.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar