
Book Review: The Most Important Women of the Bible

The Most Important Women of the Bible
Remarkable Stories of God’s Love and Redemption
by Aaron and Elaina Sharp

Bethany House

Bethany House Publishers

Pub Date 17 Oct 2017

I am reviewing a copy of The Most Important Women Of the Bible through Bethany House Publishers and Netgalley:

In this book we learn about women in the Bible and the role they played in God’s redemption of humanity.

We learn Of Eve the first women, and the first sinner, and of Sarah, as Abraham’s wife God included Sarah in his promises intending that she be the mother of his descendants.

We learn too of Tamar the jilted daughter in law. As a Canaanite she seems to be an unlikely tool. And we learn of Jochebed the disobedient slave. She was the mother of Moses

Zipphorah was the wife who saved her family. Zipphorah was one of seven daughters called Jethro who was also called Reuel. Jethro was a shepherd and a priest of Miriam as well as a Cushite. He was a spiritual leader of the branch of the Midianites.

We learn to of Rahab, a prostitute in the city of Jericho. Instead of turning the spies that were staying at her inn over to the king she helped them. Despite the fact that Rahab was a prostitute and a Caanite, God used her.

Deborah was a strong and faithful women, who wore many different hats, she was a prophetess, a judge, a poet, a military leader, a judge and a historian. We learn to Of Ruth, a faithful foreigner. She was known for her loyalty and kindness. After the death of her husband she stuck by her Mother in law. Naomi was looked at as the bitter mother in law. Despite the hardships and bitterness God blessed Naomi.

Hannah was an infertile woman. But after praying to God she conceived and bore a son named Samuel. We learn to Of Bathsheba the adulteress. Bathsheba was torn between her husband and her king.

The Widow Of Zarepath, The widow announces to Elijah of her belief in the living God. We learn to of The Women Of Shunem. She lived during the time of Jehoram King of Israel which was around 850 B.C.

We learn to of Queen Esther, she was a beautiful and desirable woman. Esther had been raised by her cousin Mordecai. She found favor with the king despite being a Jew and married him, allowing her to help save her people. Gomer was a Harlot, the wife of a prophet had become an adulteress.

Mary the Mother Of Jesus, of course was used by the Holy Spirit to bring Jesus in the world. Elizabeth was the Mother Of John the Baptist, Jesus cousin, and forerunner to Christ. Elizabeth was the wife of a righteous man but was righteous as herself as well.

Anna was a prophetess. The daughter of phanuel of the tribe of Asher. Anna was an older women and a widow.

Mary Magdalene is mentioned several times in the Bible, but not much is known about her. Magdalene most likely refers to her home town of Magdala, located on the west side of the Sea of Galilee. Mary was known to travel with Jesus.

Mary and Martha were sisters. While Martha did all the serving, Mary spent the time with Jesus which made Martha mad, but Jesus tells that Mary is doing the right thing by listening to Jesus.

We learn to of the women at the well. We learn that the woman had an immoral lifestyle but she took the time to offer Jesus water from the well. We learn too of the bleeding women who was healed by simply touching the edge of Jesus robes. It was her faith that allowed healing.

We learn too of The Syrophoenician woman, she is not one of the most popular women in the Bible, so not much is known about her accept that she was a beggar. We are reminded too of the poor widow who gave all she had two mites.

The Widow Of Nain who lost her husband as well as her son. We learn too of the woman sinner, a woman forgiven of many sins. And we learn too of Tabitha the resurrected women. When Tabitha died her family washed her body and laid it in an upper room and Jesus was able to come and resurrect her. Phoebe was a generous servant, she was the servant of a church in Corinth.

Lois and Eunice were women of sincere faith. We learn about them in a roundabout way through the Apostle Paul. We learn to Of Lydia the women who planted churches. And of Priscilla the apologist, she along with her husband Aquila are mentioned six times in the New Testament, in four Different books.

I give The Most Important Woman Of the Bible, five out of five stars!

Happy Reading!


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