Pluto Return connects to one’s career, which could create something negative in your career. You are also likely to hang out with gang-like people. Pluto will fracture and break your ego so you will transform and elevate you elsewhere. New World has to do with Agenda 2030 and New World Order agenda. New Age is total bullshit for people who promote New World Order agenda. During the Pluto Return, certain problematic things will return into your life, creating havoc in your life. Don’t be attached to anything, and don’t be attached to the past. Just live in the present moment and enjoy the present moment. No wonder I am currently experiencing irritable bloating issues, which is making me feel nervous and creating anxiety in my stomach. I have been experiencing this since Full Moon in Leo, which was on February 16th and weird things have been happening all week for me. Therefore, it is better to remain neutral during the Pluto Return. Don’t be attached to anything for long term purposes. Pluto can create aggression and being opinionated. Fighting with oppositions. Your foundation and belief system might be affecting. Family issues will be intense as well as communications with others. Pluto in the 4th means something out of control. You might find out family secrets that you don’t really want to know about. 5th is about creativity, which can be intense. There will be a power struggle. Pluto in 6th => a sudden change in your physical condition and health, which is in Capricorn. (I have Capricorn moon). There will be a change. Pluto in 7th involves marriage power struggles and partnership struggles. Pluto in 8th involves sex industry or kinky people into sexual experimentation. Sexual issues about conforming or not conforming? Pluto in 9th involves has to do with homeland or uprooting of educational ideas. It has to do when you aren’t in your natural environment. It makes you want to go into a different direction. Changing your education, homelife, and where you are traveling. Pluto in the 10th involves career, and it will uproot you from your career, which will affect activists and truthers. Pluto in 11th involves having lots of gangster friends or having dangerous friends. Pluto in 12th involves uprooting of past lives contacts and secret enemies in this life.