Tuesday, 11.30.21
Today is the last day of November, another month coming to an end, as the days creep slowly toward December and the New Year. It’s good to start counting off your checklist of goals to see how much you have actually achieved. I am still freewriting on my third novel, but slowly because lack of interesting ideas. I continue my different workouts, outdoor meetups, mall strolling, and gym workouts. But I feel I need to get more organized because unexpected incidents and errands mess up my daily rhythm and schedule, which slows me down.
This evening was cold. But it was another evening walking meetup at UCI campus. The UTC is now crowded with people enjoying their social life, eating out at restaurants, going to theaters, and hanging out together. It feels like 2019 again.
I wore my hoodie sweats, puffy jacket, gloves, and earmuffs, as I walked to the UTC at around 6 pm. Other arrived at around 6:30, but many had a hard time finding an open space in the parking lot. It is a good thing I don’t need to drive across the street. Over 20 signed up, but around 18 actually showed up for this meetup.
I ended up walking 5.5 miles, 12,397 steps, and 11 floors all over the UCI campus. The campus was busy with students going back to school.
I arrived home and ate one of the giant pomegranates I recently bought at the Iranian grocery store, when I went to actually buy a bag of red henna, since Mother’s Market discontinued my Light Mountain product in their store. One giant pomegranate is very filling, especially as an evening snack, as well as very juicy, which probably satisfies another glass of natural juice drink.
I decided to do laundry at night, and placed the clothes in the dryer on Wednesday morning. The clothes looked OK because it was only overnight.
I’ll always have that problem of not get Ng able to concentrate on my writing, particularly a short story or novel. And editing is worse because I change almost everything.
With some editing, you’ll know how it will end.
i do a lot of editing on novels because the rough draft has a lot of crap.
Talking about postponing, I have postponed a nonfiction book since the beginning of Tue year. And need to be disciplined in setting goals and working towards achieving them.
i need to read more, but i cannot concentrate on my reading. and, on my 3rd novel that I am writing, I think I need to start editing it so i can figure out the conclusion and write from there.