Trump has always been the archetypal brat whose parents never bother to toilet train him. The brat who grows up without self control, thinking that he is better than other people, if he even sees other people.
Trump is the common unwanted child who is shunted from Nanny to school to wherever because the parents can’t stand the sight of him.
The parents, if they have money, will pay his way to get rid of him. If they don’t have money, they simply abandon him.
We have always found Donald Trump ridiculous. That America elected him President was turning the world upside down.
Were Americans that stupid? Did they not see what kind of clown he was? Was it an accident? A joke?
In 2020 with the next election being so close it is obvious that Americans do support Trump. They agree with his ignorance, his boorishness, his stupidity.
This is good to know.
the current behaviour proves it
Sadly I have to agree. There is no other conclusion.