One of the things you need to know is that many aspects of a site are controlled by the owner.
The size of an image, for example.
Sites, Writing Sites, primarily never specified how large or small an image. The Writing was important, the images were just decoration. Writers found and posted the most appropriate image or posted without any image at all.
To stop a user from earning, to basically ‘unpublish’ an article, the easiest trick is to impose specifications on the size of an image and/or demand an image.
This means that just about every user would have their submissions ‘unpublished’. because of the absence or size of the image.
The reason?
If people can’t see your article, you can’t earn.
This game was played first by Hubpages because it had to cut payment to its users. No Admin, no Mod wanted to go article to article to find reasons to unpublish each writers work.
Simply toss this ‘blanket’ over all users. The time it takes for the ‘correction’ to be made is time that the item will not be seen by the public the writer can’t earn.
Andre, everyone sees it… except the fool
That is the truth if ever I saw it, Jaylar. I notice you and I are being “named and shamed” by that Literary Expert who has been trying to change the site since day one.