The path we take, when we stop in the middle, we have to consider both the beginning of the journey and the end. What marks the beginning of your trip? Is it the first step? The moment your foot breaks the connection with the earth and lifts propelled by the muscles of your calves, Is that the beginning of the journey? Or is the beginning indeed the moment the spark that is the origin of the moment the journey begins? It is not easy to consider overall. The journey has that beginning. That is already known; the wandering within the beginning is just how and when, where that journey truly begins. We do know it begins but don’t always consider the when of the face.
Then there is the journey; after the beginning, after the commencement, we have the trip. Where the boots hit the ground, the airplane leaves the floor, or the boat leaves the shore. Perhaps the journey begins with the pumping of bike tires. Or the lacing of running shoes. The execution of the trip can become a secondary journey. Within the journey, the jogs and changes the wind that flows around us, knocking us off course. But the time isn’t the journey. The time is the path on which the feet, moving ever along the journey, trod. The way the boat sails, the boats are powered. The pattern the plane flies from point to point. The journey begins, and then we wonder it.
Finally comes the end. We reach that point, that moment when the journey is finished. If it is a journey of self-discovery, we may get our goal and find out that it wasn’t the end state, it was a misguided goal. But the end, as defined, can also be a new beginning. A point when we start considering more. The journey to our next trip beginning with the end of the last journey. Each journey took as part of both personal growths but also as part of our lives. Each life is a journey. Where it takes us and what we find along the way is up to use. We will see and find No matter how many side trips we assume; it is always important to remember the intent of the journey!
This work is Copyright DocAndersen. Any resemblance to people real or fictional in this piece is accidental (unless explicitly mentioned by name.)
Beautiful photography. Like it!