Sunday, 9.6.20
I went to the Yoga at the park meetup at 10 am. 12 people showed up, even though it was very humid and sunny, probably because people just want to be out somewhere. I returned home at 11:30am. I decided to make a Vegan protein shake with one scoop of powder, one cup of water, and bunch of ice. I also added some honey, which made it a Vegetarian shake. I sipped up with my metal straw. It tasted good on a hot and humid day, like a cold vegetarian milk shake.
I decided to fix my Pinnochio puppet that I have had since high school. Its strings were torn or shredding, and some were completely cut off. I am not sure why or how. I had bought colorful thick strings pack from Michaels last year, mostly for this reason, but I kept forgetting to do it. Then, I sewed some some other items. I still have three other items I need to sew, but do it some other time.
I went for a swim in the Association pool at 4 pm. The water felt good. I swam a couple of laps. There were few people there. Two men, each playing with their toddler boy in the swimming pool, and two other people laying out. I went to the jacuzzi, but it wasn’t working. I decided to go to the other jacuzzi. There were only two people in that pool. The jacuzzi there wasn’t working either. Last time, one of the jacuzzis was working. Now, they both are broken. I wonder if the association plans to fix them. I should call or email them.
I walked back to my townhouse in the humdity and relaxed inside with Gumby.
I added a snapshot of the backyard for my modern beach house. Those four avatars playing a game are animated. My avatar is standing in the pool.
Thanks for sharing your day and the avatar with us.