In this pandemic no new memories can be created. I sit in my favourite corner and reminisce. I though of our pet rooster Gamma would lived for 12 years leaving behind happy memories. He was the only one among 5 that lived that long.
He got on well with our dog Preiti They were the best of friends In the last few months of his life on earth he had issues. He could not walk and I used to carry him around. Later he had issues with his eating I fed him myself.
He dies in my arms. We have buried him in the garden. We have vouched never more to have chickens as pets as their old age is full of suffering.
Do you bury your pets in your own garden?
We buried our first cat a female named Cha Cha who was with us for 12 years in the backyard by our large oak tree. I hope no one has dug her up.
Sad you had to leave her behind Most of our pets are in the garden and one is under the small house that we build at the back.
We Know That, Memories are always Give smile on face!!! 🙂
In this pandemic we only have memories to keep us smiling.