Having a ‘Dual’ is a trick many Administrators of sites practice. Whether a chat board, a writing site, as long as there is payment, the Admin is likely not merely to satisfy with a scoop of yours but get his own.
The Admin creates an account as if s/he is just another User, just like you. Uses any name, any image to blend in. Admin logs on as Dual and posts or comments or whatever and sees the responses. Those who attack Dual can be crushed by Admin.
Unless Admin posts as Admin and then posts as Dual, so you can compare the syntax and appreciate these two accounts belong to the same person, you won’t know you are posting to Admin.
This is very dangerous, as you might realise.
If you think Cuddles is another user, just like you, s/he may prompt you to make a remark about the Mods or Admin. When you do, you have cut your own throat. For Admin has created that other user for that specific reason.
Don’t think an Admin creates a Dual just to see how the site feels from outside. Admin does it to pull your tongue and get you to cut your own throat.
It is very hard to trust many people online these days.
It is very hard because so many Mods/Admins post under other names pretending to be a user ‘just like you’