After his first appearance at a lecture on the campus a number of females gathered around him as Oliver played the charmer.
As he was accustomed to being beautiful he put off that aura, although he was only slightly above average in appearance. If he didn’t smile his face fell into gruesome lines, and he was somewhat overweight.
Although he could be quite unpleasant, as he put out this beautiful, important, rich vibe, and was an American citizen, he was invited to spend time with a slurry of people.
He listened to their chatter, feeling so superior, bragging about his degree. He could see the women were impressed.
He was invited to a concert, to a free movie, to a fair, and took each invite as if it were casual, not a precursor for a date.
Oliver’s plan was going as he determined. He had never felt so in control.
Here, living on his own, allowed to come and go as he chose, he felt as the quintessential Oliver.
His imagination of himself as the perfect man was encouraged by the attention he was getting and confirmed and enhanced his ego.
Flattery always seems to bring about ruin.
Oliver’s image of himself is highly inflated and doesn’t match reality.