Anyone put in charge of anything needs to be flexible. Needs to comprehend that although the rule states: XYZ there are times when such rule can be bent.
When a customer/client confronts the mind dead rule entrenched stupidvisor who can not give a slight bend, that customer or client, if they care enough, will inform the owner/senior staff.
If they don’t care, they walk out forever. That is the end of their connection to the business.
In dealing with people, rules need to be a bit flexible and the person appointed to enforce them must be able to do that.
Too often the Boss/Owner/Senior Management finds a virtual organic robot who can never come out of the lines and appoints the the position where they meet the customers. Such a robot should never be placed into proximity to human beings save with a hot line to a person with a fully operational brain who can prevent the loss of custom.
People do not have to pay/spend to be treated like dirt; hence they will leave.
beautiful great and nice post..
Trying to help those whose businesses are struggling