If you travel from different countries, there are so many out this world things to see. Along the journey across the border seems so inspiring to view the beautiful sceneries. Some people would find traveling seems so tiring, but the worth of experience is priceless. The unique experience cannot be forgotten during the travel stunts from one country to another. That’s the reason why people dreamed of traveling around the world.
During the old days, my country has its culture to eat food with the use of bare hands. It wasn’t new for the local people. For the tourist people, a big surprise for them to witness such a culture. They might think it is not hygienic to eat with bare hands. The mere fact, there is nothing wrong since the local people are educated to have hand washing before holding things especially food served on the table.
This kind of practice is not common in some classy restaurants in the city. However, there are some restaurants in lowland areas allow the customers to eat with bare hands. There is no need to worry about acceptance. On the most occasion, it is fun to eat with bare hands in a seafood restaurant especially if it is located at the seaside. There is no troublesome peeling off the shells of crabs, shrimps, lobsters and the like.
The simplest lifestyle that most Filipinos wanted is to have a picnic in the riverside with all the family members. In some occasions, they do the local military style of eating the food called the “boodle” fight. The long table has clean banana leaves and Filipino dishes with staple rice served on the table. It is really fun to live in a simple life. Regardless of the status of Filipinos, camaraderie still being practiced without any delicateness in eating food with bare hands.
You do not have to wash all of the forks afterwards
It is always interesting to learn about different culture