
Only The Best Slow Motion Videos Compilation! Submit One + Vote!

Slow motion videos show us fast moving action at a slower rate that makes it easy to observe the changes and the actions. It makes possible for things to be observed in detail. Ordinary things  look better in slow motion. We can see things that our eyes are not able to notice in normal frame. All that is needed is a good camera that makes the most of the work. It is up to you to come up with an idea of what thing will look extraordinary when  on slow motion. A car explosion is looking outrageous. And ordinary things, such as breaking the piggy bank look surprisingly good in slow motion.Have you wondered how a balloon popping would look like? You will see these, and many more.

We present you the best slow motion videos. Take a look at these amazing scientific experiments that will blow your mind! Submit your favorite slow motion video and vote for the craziest one!

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Written by Kristina

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