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Baking soda for hair

What you may not have known about baking soda is that it can also be used when  washing your hair . Baking soda removes impurities and cleanses the hair better than many expensive hair products on the market. It is also used for the absorption of fat, which means you can use it instead of dry shampoo

You can make a natural bicarbonate shampoo by mixing baking soda with some water. The mixture should be well massaged and then rinsed. There is another effective variant. Add one tablespoon of baking soda to your shampoo, then shampoo your hair twice and rinse. Repeat this once a month to remove any impurities and residues from the hair. 

If you want to use baking soda as a “dry wash shampoo”, apply 2 tablespoons of baking soda to dry hair and then evenly distribute with a brush or comb. Baking soda with dry hair wash should not be used too often as it can break and break hair. 

Baking soda can also be used to clean your brush. Choose a bowl where you can dip the brush. Then pour water and a few tablespoons of room bicarbonate into that bowl, dip the brush and let it stand for a while, then rinse it with clean water and dry. 

Baking soda for hair dandruff

The most common cause of dandruff is hair neglect and therefore the use of inappropriate hair care products. Instead of expensive shampoos, you can use baking soda to treat this problem . Baking soda will help you in the following ways: 

  • it is ideal as a scrub to cleanse the scalp from dead cells, 
  • can serve as an antibacterial agent that destroys the fungus, 
  • helps remove scales and dirt from the scalp, 
  • can serve as a natural hair conditioner, 
  • helps normalize the pH of the scalp. 

  • This recipe will help remove dandruff and impurities from your scalp, and will also give your hair the perfect shine. You need the following ingredients to prepare this recipe: 

    Hair washing with baking soda – a dandruff hair recipe

    • freshly squeezed lemon juice, 
    • baking soda.
  • Procedure: 
    1. Mix freshly squeezed lemon juice with baking soda.
    2. Mix all the ingredients well to get a paste that you can then apply to the complete scalp. 
    3. When you have the mixture, lightly massage the scalp and allow the paste to stand for a few minutes .
    4. Then rinse your hair with water, using a natural conditioner
    5. When the situation is critical the procedure should be repeated 2 times a week . Once the condition has settled down, it is enough to wash your hair once a week this way, and then only twice a month
  • Procedure: 

    Baking soda for hair lightening can be a healthier option than bleaching and removing hair dye in a hair salon

    Baking soda to remove hair color

    Instead of lemon juice, you can use mint , basil or ginger juice . Is baking soda used for hair growth? The baking soda bicarbonate blends mentioned above can be used to restore and promote hair growth

    1. Wash your hair with a dandruff shampoo first . Use a high pH shampoo to help remove hair color.
    2. Mix equal amounts of baking soda and shampoo in a bowl.
    3. Rub the mixture evenly from the hair roots towards the tips. Embrace each strand of hair . You can apply the mixture with a paint brush or you can ask someone to help you.
    4. When completely covered with the mixture, allow to stand for 10-15 minutes
    5. Then wash your hair again with a dandruff shampoo and rinse your hair well.
  •  Is bicarbonate of baking soda used? Of course, this recipe can help improve care and reduce hair loss . Soda bicarbon treatments can be used by all persons, ie persons with any type of hair . People with dry and brittle hair should not use bicarbonate treatment more than once a month. 

    The consequences of using baking soda on your hair

    Since baking soda is a highly alkaline product and can cause hair to crack, it is best to apply some apple cider vinegar on your hair after treatment and then rinse your hair well. Dilute apple cider vinegar with water before use . 

    Sodium bicarbonate and apple cider vinegar need not be used more than once a month as overuse can lead to dry and chapped hair . Some sources point out that baking soda does not have proven effectiveness in hair care. Research findings also confirm that high pH products can: 

    • cause skin and scalp irritation, 
    • damage your hair, 
    • cause hair breakage, 
    • to dry your hair, 
    • reduce the proportion of natural fats on the skin. 
  • How effective is a bicarbonate of bicarbonate of soda experience forums show best. Some were more fortunate to practice this treatment, others less so. You can also use baking soda in other ways as a cure for acne. The same treatment can make your skin softer. Learn more about how to use baking soda for face care in our article -> Baking soda for face – acne prescription and face cleanser

    Have you tried using baking soda for hair care? Have you tried the recipe that works? – Write us your experiences in the comment! ? 


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Written by Radica


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