
Brain Squish -12

Every day you will see a ‘cure’  for some  disease touted.  Whether on Television, or the Web, or on billboards, there is suddenly some magical cure.

There is a difference between a simple product your great grandmother swore by; a plant she picked or  mixture she concocted in her kitchen and these bottles of semi lethal chemicals no one would ever come across in nature.

Aloe Vera, Marijuana, Eucalyptus Oil, (just to name three) have been used for centuries by people;  average people; not chemists.

These products have medicinal properties which can be proven in a lab.


I am not discussing these; I’m discussing those complicated products which charlatans tout in places they can get away with it.

For example, in the 3rd World there has been this sudden advertisement for ‘Colloidal Silver’;   something banned in 1st World nations.

It was banned there, so the company begins dumping it in places where the laws aren’t so strict.

And people, average people, fall for the claims.

If they did any research, if they could read the ingredients, if they spent as much time focusing on what they are about to put into their bodies as they do reading texts on their phones, they would know this stuff is dangerous.

But they don’t.

It is not because they can not read, it is not because they have no access to information, it is that it is easier to believe the charlatan.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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