It was fun rummaging through my digital folder to pick photos that had a touch of sepia to meet Kim’s sepia challenge.
As you can see those are hibiscus. I have lost many hibiscus plants and this is one of them. There is no explanation why these plants just disappear. I am determined to get them all back but for that I will have to wait till we are relieved from the lockdown.
Hibiscus are no doubt pretty flowers but they last only for a day. I had so many varieites and I am now left with just a few.
I am now all set to face the pastel colour challenge, from tomorrow.
Have you been taking part in the sepia challenge?
I participate every day. This is my favorite challenge. This hibiscus color is my favorite. They are great pictures. It’s a pity you lost it.
Once the situation comes to normal I will get these.