
Save or take a picture?

Among the tips from American minimalists on how to get rid of all unnecessary things at once, there is this: if you cannot throw away a thing because it is connected with memories, take a picture of it (and then throw it away).

Of course, there is some common sense in this, otherwise, the house can turn into a museum of pleasant memories, where each movie ticket with places for kisses will be allocated, if not a hall, then at least a carved frame. But sometimes things keep a story that you want to touch, maybe not right away, maybe not by yourself, but give, for example, your child the opportunity to touch.

Sometimes you directly feel that in time some items will become real treasures. There may come a time when you want to tell your story, slowly sorting items in your treasure chest with your experiences, relationships, and all items that are kept there.

When my children were born, I began to relate to nostalgic storage in a different way. I have a lot of things related to their childhood and other ages that I would never throw out. 

© Fortune, 2020

  • Do you have any items, giving a nostalgic feeling and which you cannot throw out in any way?

    • Yes
    • No


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Written by Fortune


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