Metabolites are substances that are necessary for the absorption of nutrients in cells (ie cell digestion) or come into being during this process. These include harmless, useful and harmful, all kinds of metabolites.
Healthy of body can be determined by looking at the amount of these metabolites. The study, led by Harvard Medical School scientists, found that just 12 minutes of strenuous exercise or physical exertion reduced the amount of metabolites that could harm health by up to 80 percent. These include metabolites that cause diabetes, nervous tension, hypertension, heart disease and even cancer.
As a result of short-term physical exertion, the metabolite DMGV, a common cause of liver disease and diabetes, decreased by 18%, while the amount of harmful glutamate-type metabolites, such as glutamate, decreased by 29%. These types of metabolites are linked to major causes of stress, blood pressure, heart disease and even diabetes.
In simple words, the results of this research mean that if you want to stay healthy, you do not have to exercise for several hours a day, but almost the same benefits you can get from just a few minutes of strenuous exercise or physical exertion.
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