Hey, I have not been political for a week or two, and I simply cannot remain quiet any longer about James Comey. I don’t care if you love or hate the man, he is not entitled to change the dictionary to try to improve his image. That is simply immoral.
Let’s take a look at the definition of leaking
“(of secret information) become known.”the news leaked out”synonyms:become known · become apparent · be revealed · be disclosed ·
- intentionally disclose (secret information).”a leaked government document” · [more]synonyms: disclose · divulge · reveal · make known · make public · tell”
This has nothing to do with your feelings about Hillary Clinton, or Donald Trump. This has to do with a man who leaked information for personal gain or influence. He had no integrity. In fact, he is so sure that it was wrong that he wouldn’t do it himself he invited others to help him with his dirty work. If I did this I would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Question of
Do you believe privilege gives you the right to break the law?
Question of
Do you invent your own definitions?