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Is sexuality important for relationships?

Is sexuality what’s shameful? How to expose your sexuality? How do I understand that powerful energy?

The sexiest to me is a free, natural, enjoying himself person who sensually experiences the beauty and fullness of life.

The sexy body is a stress-free body. The energy flows freely in it. The body moves and its movements are transmitting life and freshness, laughter, and tears.

Our ancestors ritually danced and sang, releasing all tension into space and fulfilling themselves by ecstatic. And we are so serious, so rational and pragmatic that it sucks life and power out of our bodies. And then we go through life without the songs and without joy.

I listened to a conversation between several evolutionary biology researchers, who separated beauty and sexuality. I think so too, so it’s not worth worrying about being beautiful, because it doesn’t affect sexuality.

Sexuality is a primal energy, the freedom to be authentic to ourselves, to know our body, to be able to satisfy ourselves, to fulfill our own needs and desires, to be gentle with our own self, and to listen to our inner self.

It is a magical, dense, pure state that sometimes flows calmly like a creek and sometimes rushes like an ocean.

So release your bodies from stress, laugh with your mouth full of joy without restraining yourself, and enjoy watching your wild nature in a mirror – see that brisk animal hiding under your skin.

© Fortune, 2020

  • Is sexuality important for your relationship?

    • Yes
    • No


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Written by Fortune

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