As you know IIam Shamir is one of my heroes and he is responsible for the wonderful bookmarks you will find at National Parks.
William and George Vanasse were the young boys who discovered the crystal cave. The boys were chasing a varmint who all the sudden dropped out of site down a hole. The next day the boys went back and poke and prodded until they reached what is now the main room of the second level. It was quite a surprise. Later the cave was developed so all could enjoy it.
This is was IIlan Shamr did for that bookmark.
“Advice from Crystal Cave”
Find beauty in unexpected places.
Breathe deep
Good things take time
Look beneath the surface
Hang tight!
Question of
Have you ever seen a crystal cave?
Question of
Have you seen the book marks at National Parks?
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Do you want to know who crystal caves are formed?