Based on the magazine report, coffee is the most consumed beverage in the world and tea is only second. The popularity of coffee hinges on the idea that the caffeine in the coffee gives a kick start to the drinker. That is maybe the reason why coffee has been the breakfast drink to make sure the drinker gets awake and alert.
Coffee farms is big business in tropical countries. Unfortunately in the Philippines, some coffee farms are giving way to the developers that turn the land into residential villages. Worse, some other coffee farms are converted into commercial establishments like themed restaurants or even a huge parking lot for the resorts. The waning coffee farms may be the reason for the slow increase in the price of coffee beans.
Are you a coffee drinker?
sometimes only
Yes, I do drink coffee in the morning just before my daily routine. Though I also love drinking milk tea and even thinking ofopening a milk tea shop in our area.