
Christmas Every Day ~ January 26

He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree. ~Roy L. Smith

I love the quote and wonder how many times in my lifetime have I lost Christmas in my heart and fought to get it back.  In my family growing up there were many traditions and lots of service involved with Christmas. I married a man, who in my opinion, had never really celebrated Christmas. 

For 15 years we spent Christmas always visiting his son. He would agree for some years to at least stop by my family and visit. Every year for 15 years, everyone had a present to open Christmas morning except me. They didn’t every seem to  notice. My family would often deliver something the day after Christmas. I don’t “need” presents. I did need to feel like I was not invisible. I had to fight to keep Christmas alive in my heart and some years it didn’t happen.

When the youngest Grandson turned 6 he noticed. He went in and drew me a picture and wrapped in the paper he got from the garbage. I bought a frame and that comes out as part of my Christmas decorations every year. He took care of it that year, and then is slipped away.

I am not making the point to make people feel sorry for me. I am making the point that Christmas magic doesn’t just happen. It requires work and paying attention. 

This Christmas was the first time I had an actual present to open with the family Christmas morning. I was touched. So after 20 years of marriage  I felt like a part of the family.  That ‘s a long time to be “alone” on Christmas, my most sacred and loved holiday of the year.

  • Question of

    Do you ever feel invisible?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Can you imagine how akward Christmas is for me?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Are there any real solutions?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter