Today when I got up I felt like I was in a home where I had no place. Family members had been sorting through things and planning to transfer some things into storage. “My” chair was full of boxes. There were piles everywhere. I went in and made breakfast. There was no chair or place for me to eat. I finally took my plate out to the barn and found a stool to sit on there.
While I was feeling picked on I had a thought. The mother of Jesus really had it rough. She was pregnant and unmarried and everyone was suppose to believe she was carrying the son of God. Surely she was an outcast to most.
She had to give birth in a stable and I was feeling picked up. So I adjusted my attitude and celebrated Christmas by feeling gratitude for Mary, all day long?
Question of
Do you ever feel like a stranger in your own home?
Question of
Are you more patient with strangers than with your own family?
Question of
Do you practice unconditional love?