Kristina is currently earning 24,847 viril points and counting, that earned her a Supernova rank with 2 badges (Wordsmith Buddy, Loyal Buddy and Smarty Pants). She was just surpassed by ÓSCAR PÉREZ where she used to stay at top spot since Virily started. She has 155 total posts at the moment and 287 followers. She ranked 2nd previously at top 10 ranking list.

Her posts are mostly on DIYs, interior designs,  cosmetics and any other daily helpful tips.

Makeup Hacks You Will Definitely Love! was her first post published 6 months ago. Her blog was about cosmetics in Beauty and Health category. It earned her 3 upvotes, 38 views and 2 comments. (Well, certainly being an early bird in Virily will surely gain you few views at first).

Written by Trafalgar Law

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