Almost Full Moon – Britney stands up for herself 🙌🤩💪 (1/2)

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Submitted to "Insights 6.23.21"

Earthquake today in California, 3.4, two miles from Inglewood, in Los Angeles.

Britney’s manager and her father made her wear an IUD so she cannot get pregnant. James Parnell Spears is controlling his daughters with MK-Ultra mind control and sex kitten programming. They want to take her money. The younger daughter was raped on Nickelodeon by Dan Schneider.

Britney Spears’ natal chart—Sagittarius Sun, Aquarius Moon and Libra Rising.

June 24th is Full Moon in Capricorn. Remove energy from your life. Strawberry Full Moon at 11:40am. Write down 5 things you want to release in the full moon and write down 5 things you want to manifest. Place under a candle, light it, and think about what you want. (I have Leo Sun, Capricorn Moon, and Gemini Rising).

Project Paperclip is about MK-Ultra mind control, which involves a child’s mind from the age of 4.

Meryl Streep, Robert DeNiro, Oprah Winfrey, and Ashley Judd are psycho Luciferians.

John McAfee is 75. He had a tattoo—if he is suicided, he didn’t commit suicide. He was found dead in a Barcelona Prison in Spain, after court approves his extradition to US. He was suicided.

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