The caption in the picture says “today”, but this image was taken in July, 2017, a year after I started this ongoing project. The irises I transplanted to this side are growing well and there are marigolds, purple pansies, and pink, white, and red petunias growing. I put in some annual snapdragons, but the didn’t produce much in 2017, until late in the year. I’ve also put down bark mulch by this time, which looks far more attractive than the dirt, which I’ve also enriched. On the far end, there are some daylilies growing, though they didn’t bloom in 2017. Neither did the transplanted irises
The daylilies came from in front of the original church, which also hadn’t been separated for a couple of decades. I planted a number of them along both buildings
This image also shows that I’ve made some inroads into killing the weeds in the parking lot.
At least by this time, it was starting to look more like real flowerbeds.