original (2/6) List item Submitted to "Sukeban Evolution – WIP" Approved by Alex Ledante February 14, 2019, 1:29 am 40 Views 5 Votes 5 Comments Share Tweet Pin it’s nice and I wanted her to be in a dark alley, but it just seems too dark MoreReport Item navigation Previous submission Next submission View full list Share Tweet Pin Written by Alex Ledante facebook pinterest twitter 5 Comments The dark alley does lower the impression level of the character. 1 just not enough info What I meant to say that is the character lacks an element of surprise in the darkness with her weapon on her hand. 1 no one expects a spanish inquisition! That is true since the Lexicon Bandits have no plans to take over Japan.
What I meant to say that is the character lacks an element of surprise in the darkness with her weapon on her hand. 1
The dark alley does lower the impression level of the character.
just not enough info
What I meant to say that is the character lacks an element of surprise in the darkness with her weapon on her hand.
no one expects a spanish inquisition!
That is true since the Lexicon Bandits have no plans to take over Japan.