Horse Man and the Unicorn (1/13)

Honestly!  I only wanted a picture of a unicorn.  I’m a fan of the BBC fantasy series “The Adventures of Merlin” and I really liked the episode about the unicorn.  But then I found this cool free image  (free to use; no attribution required).  The image description said “Horseman and Unicorn”.  I’m like “Horseman”.  (???)  Uumm … a horseman by any other name is called a Centaur.  One can’t talk about myths and not mention the unicorn, my favorite mythical creature.  However, the horseman is not exactly one of my favorite mythical creatures.  But since he was in the image, he got lucky and is being included in my collection!  LOL.

Long-standing myth about the unicorn:  “Only virgins who were pure of heart were believed able to tame a unicorn.”  (“The True History of the Unicorns“)