Golden Poison Dart Frogs (15/20)

Golden poison dart frog is also known as golden poison frog, golden frog, or golden dart frog. It is a poison dart frog endemic to the Pacific coast of Colombia. Its optimal habitat is a rain forest with high rain rates. It is a social animal that lives in groups of up to six individuals. This frog is often considered innocuous due to its small size and bright colors, but this wild frog is lethally toxic. Its skin is densely coated in alkaloid toxin that prevents its victim’s nerves from transmitting pulses, leaving the muscles in in inactive state of contraction, which can lead to heart failure of fibrillation. Alkaloid batrachotoxins can be stored by frogs for years after the frog is deprived of a food-based source, and such toxins do not readily deteriorate, even when transferred to another surface. The golden poison frog is not venomous, but poisonous

This frog belongs to a genus called Phyllobates.

Written by Trafalgar Law

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