The Back of the Book (2/3)

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“Unlike many garden books it has the feel of a real garden being developed by a real gardener – and so encouraging to see stories of the evolution of this special garden through the years. The style of the book is light but underlying it is real sound horticultural knowledge and practical information.” —Hazel Luskin Glennon

“With a friendly conversational tone and a seamless blending of often humorous anecdotal vignettes with much sought after practical knowledge the author reveals her experiences creating a bountiful garden while simultaneously becoming a masterful gardener. We follow the unsure missteps and ingenuous strides of a novice only to discover a rich tapestry of floral delights produced by a skilled artisan with an increasingly refined personal aesthetic exercising enthusiasm, determination and an acquired knowledge of palette, design and horticultural know how. Rachel Darlington’s love of plants shines throughout this volume, whether she is witnessing the first successful flowering of a hardy orchid or battling the vicissitudes of the seasons. The author is not one to shy away from ‘controversial’ subjects as varied as the New Wave Planting style, to yellow coloured flowers, stating her opinions clearly and detailing how she arrived at them succinctly. With over three hundred types of plants from around the world referenced, this book would be a pleasurable read whether one has a few potted plants on a windowsill or a large landscaped acreage under cultivation.” —John O’Brien

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