Indexer (10/10)

Indexer is currently earning 38,889 viril points and counting, that earned him a Supernova rank with 4 badges (Wordsmith Buddy, Loyal Buddy ,Smarty Pants, and Bookworm). He has 218 total posts at the moment, 293 followers, and 15 compliments. He is a newcomer at this recent ranking at 10th spot.

His posts are mostly on history, quizzes, current events, and some mysteries.

What Was a Slave Worth in 18th Century America was his first post published 4 months ago. His post currently earns him 6 up-votes, 2 shares, 99 views, and 5 comments.

Good job Indexer. You are one of my favorite bloggers here at Virily. More posts to aim higher. We love your works.

Written by Trafalgar Law