Gina23 (5/10)

Gina23  is currently earning 51,254 viril points and counting, that earned her a Supernova rank with 6 badges (Wordsmith Buddy, Loyal Buddy, Bookworm, Buddy Boss, Beast and Smarty Pants). She has 108 total posts at the moment and, 385 followers, 69 compliments. Gina23 ranks previously at 5th spot and retains still at 5th spot as of now.

Her posts are mainly general knowledge quizzes (especially distinguishing a character or animal using some body parts), some travel blogs, food articles and other movie recommendations. 

2016 Trip to Bali, Indonesia was her first blog posted 4 months ago that currently earns her 22 up-votes, 126 views, and 22 comments.

For our country Philippines, we are proud of you Gina!

Written by Trafalgar Law