Audrey Hepburn style
Shade of red as an accent color, monochromatic black, short pixie hair or an elegant updo, and statement jewelry accent. But Audrey Hepburn pulls off her iconic fashionable look because she is graceful and effortless, due to her ballerina background.
I mostly like Audrey Hepburn’s style because of the movie, Breakfast at Tiffanys, although I watched this movie because I had read the book first, and I wanted to compare it to the movie. Her style was clean and elegant, even though her character Holly Golightly was a callgirl.
I later realized that many callgirls tend to dress elegant and professional, even though they are whores, compared to the low-budget whores in Pretty Woman, such as Julia Roberts’ character and the character who plays her whore friend, in which they are both tacky and skanky.