I live in Auckland but on one trip to the Auckland hospital with Rick for his visit with his surgeon for his shoulder replacement, the ambulance driver told us he thought Hamilton Zoo was much better than the Auckland Zoo.
After going, I like both Zoos, Auckland and Hamilton but they are different types of Zoo. Both have a wide range of animals in it.
However, for me, it is a 2 hour drive south to Hamilton and my husband is unable to drive, and throughout he needs a wheelchair, so the day can be tiring.
I suggest if you have a person in a wheelchair and you have to drive both ways all by your self, stay at the town overnight, visit the place you want to go to and drive back the next day. Makes more sense to enjoy your trip. The driving is the worse, although I enjoy driving, it pays to take breaks and maybe take a walk. I don’t mind pushing wheelchairs.
The thumbnail is a type of Australian parrot, but I am not sure which type it is..