
NetKing Lost His Brain – Part V

NetKing  reacted to a post Worf made with an attitude as if he knew more than Worf.

Maybe in some fields, but NOT in this one.  So Worf spent a few screens explaining the reality to NetKing

.NetKing ceased to respond.

As the last remaining friend that NetKing had from the group, Worf felt a mix of regret and release .Regret that his friend NetKing was gone, and release, that he no longer had to defend, explain or put up with the Gert certified posts

.Worf wondered, in a PM to Blade, if NetKing would ever appreciate that he was an abused husband.  That just as the wife who is afraid to speak her mind, so too NetKing.

Just as  the wife who fears her husband’s retaliation, so too NetKing who must fear his wife’s displeasure.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar