
Jamaica’s Entry into Cyberspace – part 7

In  the previous article I brought up a number of points. One of them was  how to do a search before Google (or the other modern search engines).

You needed to know where you  were going or what you actually wanted before you could search.

If  you didn’t know the name, the terms, the connections, you couldn’t search for the service you were trying to use was pretty specific.

Those  of us who knew a bit of something became the conduits, where people would ring us up and ask us how they could find …  ?

The  difference might be best expressed in the nature of driving.  If you  don’t know how to drive a car, you can’t drive a car.  When you have a self driving car, all you have to do is get in and say where you want to go.

As  we knew certain things before we got on, as we had to spend our time reading hard copies of various computer magazines,  when we finally did get on, we were far ahead of where we should be.

So we knew about I.P. Addresses, and that our address proved we were in Jamaica, but if we went to a proxy server, we could get to use it to connect from an American city and pretend we were Americans.

This is because, in those days, American males, white American males, got more respect than any other nationality, sex, or race.

Hence,  the lawyer in Jamaica might post on Standard of Proof, and have her views slapped away by a white American male bus driver.   So, it suited us to be White American Males in their thirties;  the highest respect level.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar