
Cyber Mistakes You Should Never Make – 22

Cyberspace is jammed with Scams of every possible phylum.    Always assume the site  is a scam.

As many of you might write online, know that 99% of all writing sites are scams, in one way or the other.

Whether they are ‘honest’ scams, and take your work and go down with it, (sometimes you’ll find an article you wrote published under someone else’s name elsewhere)  or whether the practice the Ponzi style;   pay everyone the first time, then only shills  and idiots the second,   or reap $10 from the Ads around your item and pay you $1.00… rest assured if you can be ripped off, you will be.

Understand that sites want to make money.

Whatever coin you make, the site reaps dollars.   How little and infrequently they pay depends on how greedy they are.

The ‘real’ sites are long gone;  these were those which, like Triond admitted how much they pay per view up front, and posted your earnings on your opening page, (mylot still does this).

Most hide how much you earn so that they can steal your coin.

What you do is ‘test’ a writing site.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar