One can protect themselves from writing scams. The first thing is to recognise that these venues exist.
Just as with domestic violence, or being oppressed by a boss from hell, the major step is to recognise that this is what it is.
If a person entered a marriage or took a job alert to the possibility that this spouse could be an abuser, that boss could be an exploiter, and this writing site could be a scam, the necessary self protection modules would be on hand.
For example, Bubblews.
It was born the ‘text book’ scam. It followed the pattern; appearing out of nowhere full of articles which seemed very good which slowly disappeared and were replaced by contributions by the members.
It offered to pay far beyond its capacity.
As mentioned in a previous article, advertisers pay for a view. Whatever is done during that view does not attract extra, save if that extra is a click on the Ad.
Bubblews had a threshold which would require 18k views, (and most writers did not reach that number) and everyone was paid the first time.
It didn’t pay a large chunk of users that second time, but many continued to contribute so that when it went down there were users claiming the site owed them Seven pay outs…(or more!)
People who attack Bubblews, to this very day, despite the fact it didn’t pay over half its users, despite the fact it went down without a word, will be attacked by the volunteer Shills… persons who didn’t know the owners, who were not paid by the owners, but unwittingly volunteered to be used by the site.
So the First Flag; Shills who defend the site.