Here is the Pattern;
1. Get a Free Web Site
2. Get an Ad Sense Account
3. Get first quality articles by plagiarising stuff all over the Internet
4. Put the articles on the free site surrounded by Ads.
5. Run all over the Net inviting people to join
6. Create a ‘threshold’ a writer must reach before payment, and lie about how payment is calculated and everything else
7. As writers join; a) their posts appear immediately OR b) read everything first
If (a) then anything can be posted if (b) articles can be delayed
If (a) then the writers can reach the threshold quickly, if (b) payment can be ‘legally’ delayed.
8. The first payments are made (usually requiring outside money for the site would not bring in enough to actually pay what was stipulated).
9. Subsequent payments are made on a ‘staggered’ basis, and some people are only paid that first time.
By ‘Staggered’; a) Those who live in First World Countries and have brought in other Dupes b) Those who live in Other Countries and have brought in other Dupes c) Those who live in First World Countries
Others are not paid that second time.
Simply put, a person who visits a site and looks at a page only produces a fraction of a cent. Whether the view is just that, whether it is followed by a like or a comment, it is still considered one view. Clicking on an ad brings in a subsequent sum to the site, and if the item in the ad is purchased, then another sum.
In most cases, the visitor simply reads and for Ad Sense, it takes quite a number of views to make $1.
However, that first pay out must be made to ‘prove’ the site is legitimate. The second pay out is not mandatory. Many persons, paid once, believe the site is legit and post and post and put in for the second payment, and keep posting.
They may put in for their third or fourth before realising they haven’t gotten their second. The items they post will have the revenue it earns used to pay others.
When the disgruntled writer complains, the others who were paid attack.
Just as Jay Gould said; he can ‘pay half the working class to kill the other half.’