Some time ago I wrote an article about how one tests a site using my ‘clown’ series. That is, to join a site and write what means nothing to you; i.e. writing about being a clown in a circus.
There are other options.
One can take an item written years ago on Site One and copy and paste it to Site Two making a few changes; i.e. names or places or dates as well as a bit of rewriting.
Firstly, if Site One didn’t pay you or paid badly, then if you get any coin from Site Two, well, you’re ahead.
Secondly, you don’t knock yourself out posting new and fresh items which might be stolen or swallowed or go unpaid for.
Keeping a copy of whatever you posted, where you posted it by a ‘code’ letter or number,( ie. Writing an article about a Hurricane and saving it as Vhurricane will tell me that I posted it on Virily) and then posting it on Site Two is the wisest course.
Many publishing sites are rip offs. Know it now..