This article is for those only who are believer and believe in Religious sacred Scripture.
The Quran is the only religious book on the face of the earth which says marry only one. You read the bible , You read the Hindu Scripture, No religious book on the face of the earth says marry only one beside the Quran.
If you read the Ramayan (The Hindu Scripture ) The father of Sri Ram has more than one wife. If you read Hindu Scripture “Mahabharat” It says Sri Krishan had 16801 Wife.
If you read Old testament, It says Solomon PBUH had 700 Wives. According to the biblical account, Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines. The wives were described as foreign princesses, including Pharaoh’s daughter and women of Moab, Ammon, Edom, Sidon and of the Hittites.
Ibrahim PBUH had 03 wives, Old testament allow you as you can marry as many wives you want. Same as new testament says , you should follow the old testament. So In short , In Christianity, In Judaism , In Hinduism you can marry as many as you want. It is later on the Church teaching put a restriction that Christian should marry only one.
Lets analyse what does the Quran say. Quran says in Surah Al Nisa Ch 4 verse 3, marry women of your choice in 2, 3, or 4 but if you can’t do justice marry only one. This is statement marry only one is no where to be found in any other religion except Islam.
Let us analyse why does Quran give permission for the muslim men to marry more than one women maximum four. The reason by nature male and female are born in equal proportion but if you ask any pediatrician, he will tell you , the doctor of the children that the female child is stronger than male child in fighting germ and diseases, so you have more deaths among male children as compare to female children. So logically there are more female than male and as life goes on there is deaths due to wars, alcoholism, due to drug addiction, due an accidents, In all these cases more men are dying than female. So today there are more female in the world as compare to male.
According to BBC report , In the world every day a thousands of fetus have been aborted after they identified as female. if you multiply these figure by 365 days, you gain a total of more than millions fetus are aborted every year in the world. If you stop this evil practice of female foeticide, the female will become more double than the present population of female. Even in China if you stop this evil practice , the female population will become more than male population.
Today if you analyse , In USA alone, there are 4.7 million female more than male. In UK alone, there are 1.2 million female more than male. In Germany alone, there are 1.6 million female more than male. In Russia alone, there are 10.6 million female more than male.
Now God alone knows how many female more than male through out the world. If i agree with what most of christian brother and sister believe that one should marry only one women and suppose , your sister or my sister lives in america and the market is saturated and every man has found a wife for himself yet there will be 4.7 million women who love for life partner and if your sister or my sister happens to be one of them in the 4.7 million female who have not found the life partner for themselves, the only option them is, she either marry a man who already has a wife or become public party. Public party such a bad and harsh words , I am sorry It is most sophisticated words I can use , I can not use the better words then this.
You know today in America the statistic tell us , on average a man has 8 different sexual partner before he settled down with one. Having Mistresses is very common in USA , 5, 10, 20, 30, No problem , having more than one legal wife, it doesn’t go down the throat.
When a women is mistress, she doesn’t get a right , she is dishonored, she is not treated well, In Islam when a women becomes 2nd wife , she gets a honored, she gets the right , she is treated well. Any modest women if you ask her, that would you prefer being 2nd wife of man who is already married or become public party, she will opt for the first option. So Islam has given permission to men to have more than one wife to protect the modesty of the women.
Seen in a purely logical way, there is truth. But it must take years for those who do not profess Islam to accept it.
When there is a will there is a way and one should create will first to read the holy scripture to understand better.
that is why I always say to every one , that they should their religious scripture to know what is good for human being since religious scripture are the instructional manual send down from God for human being that how we should drive our life.
When there is a will there is a way and one should create will first to read the holy scripture to understand better.
that is why I always say to every one , every one should follow their religious scripture to know what is good for human being since religious scripture are the instructional manual send down from God for human being that how we should drive our life and what is the purpose human being in this world.
I hope this article will clear all misconception in christian brother and sister mind