
Sodalit – a mysterious and rather rare semi-precious stone…

Sodalite is a mineral that carries the name by the contents of the elements in itself. In Greek, the word lithos means stone. Sodalite belongs to a group of minerals with lazurites. Sodalite was discovered only in 1811 in Greenland.Its intense bluish colors are enriched with white and gray, and sometimes also with brown shades. Smooth and comfortable to touch. It is used for various massages and crystallotherapy, and Feng Shui energy cleaning of space.

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Harmonizes the work of the gland, especially the thyroid, …It lowers the high temperature and pressure, as well as elevated blood sugar. It frees itself from fears and calms down the psyche, gives greater self-confidence and courage. It activates metabolism and harmonizes glandular activity with internal secretion.

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These elephants are given to people who want happiness, power and well-being, because in many old world cultures it is considered that they are bringing all of this into our homes.


What do you think?

Written by Branka Drobnjak