
Milk of Cockroach is three times powerful than Cow/Buffalo, Scientist Claim

Scientists says the Yellow substance of Cockroach extracts milk from its body, which fulfills the nutritional requirement of the baby, this milk can prove to be the supplementary supplements in the future. Cockroach milk contains protein, essential amino acid, chemistry and sugar.

The discovery of scientists recently has done in one of its research, according to which the Cockroach feed their nutritional nutritious milk to their children, which are more powerful and full of nutrition than the milk of Cow/Buffalo milk.

Scientists further says that the substance of the Cockroach is redundant milk and it is three times more nutritious compared to milk, which plays an important role in the development of the Cockroach. Scientific analysis of milk indicates that it can prove to be the best supper food of the future.

Leonard Chiwuas, head of the research team, says that there is a good amount of proteins, essential amino acids, and sugar, which is essential to meet the nutritional needs of humans. The level of energy of this milk is very high and it can be prepared for humans in crystal or liquid state.


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