I’ve had to think carefully about all the many work at home business associates and friends that have crossed my path in the last 12 years. Some have been good friends, some have been good business associates, and others have been BOTH. However, they have ALL influenced me on my turbulent journey to making money online in some shape or form. I can tell you with 100% assuredly that not all my encounters online have been positive ones. In fact, some have been down-right discouraging and others have been enlightening.
It goes to show (like anything else), we most certainly go through all the good AND bad times in order to emerge into the people we are today. It’s these encounters that make us strong and resilient home business professionals.
Throughout my custom research papers experiences, I’ve discovered a diversity of facets about myself and my character. Some are good, however, others I need to forever be on a mission to improve on. And, at the same time, not be too hard on myself.
One of my most essential facets that I like about “me” is that I love the process of writing. Playing with words has always been a favorite hobby of mine. Little did I know that this type of hobby would end up being a legitimate way to make money online. I love to write! And, the more I do it, the more I love it and inspire to write. I have come to the realization that I owe a good portion of my inspiration to a good size handful of individuals that I’ve assembled online. I would like to share a compiled list of these people that have inspired me to stick with the process of writing through good and bad times, and from various experiences. It’s been through these experiences that I’ve acquired my passion and best skills for writing. An array of lessons have been learned throughout the years; and not all the easy way. Oftentimes, it takes an abundance of criticism, self-destructive or supportive, (or both) to make a good writer out of you.
What would I advise you as a father?
If you love writing, make sure you become a real writer. Good literary works and criticism. Then you will have money.
Forget the network and the internet, blogs. No money.
This is my personal opinion.
You do what you think is best for yours.
Just becoming a good and recognized writer is difficult, it requires great effort.
If you’re ready?
Very good, post.Thank you !!