
Lay down on a Cloud a pillow for my head

Lay down on a cloud

A pillow for my Head

Kick a Star and Run

Down a rainbow near my Bed

I didnt reach the Comet

but a lovely dream instead.

Do you have a Cloud

gentle and bending

cuddling and reaching

humble not Proud

Then your sleep

will be Satin

and smoother than a Hat in

a magical Show

the white rabbit will Smile

when you dream for a While

and you wake ready to Make

and a universe

that only you can Dial


What do you think?

Written by Johndavisnearby

POEMS from Earth:
Scot Irish Czech BARD Hush little Humans-Don't U CRY Earth sings U a Lullaby Born HOUSTN TX Age 80 GEM Pic1985 Rear Apt 2227 South ST