The International Yoga Day was celebrated in Dayanand Public School, The Mall, Shimla in the school campus. 1500 students along with the Principal and teachers participated in the event with great fervor. The students of all classes performed various asanas with great interest and enthusiasm. The event began with Surya Namaskar. Other asanas performed were Padmasan, Padama Ustasan, Vajrasan, Paschimotasan, Gau Mukhasan, Vajrasuptasan, Sarvangasan, Halaasan, Karanpindasan, Chakrasan, Dhanurasan, Bhujang Asan, Naukasan and Shavasan. The Principal motivated the students and guided them to make Yoga an important part of their daily schedule to lead a happy, healthy and peaceful life.
My pleasure…Thanks for viewing and commenting.
Excellent post, thank you for sharing