
Flashlight Torch Ballpoint Pens (review)

You get 5 of these squared flashlight pens. I think these would work great for the upcoming school year for the kids. They are great quality, durable and well great. These flashlight pens and really neat. One end it is a flashlight and the other end is a pen. The pen part writes great and the flash light part is nice and bright. The kids would really enjoy having these kids of flashlight pens. I know I would have loved theses back in school. This product was provided at no cost for the purpose of inspection and an unbiased review.

Update: cheap and didn’t last to long.


What do you think?

Written by Month Of June

One Comment

  1. Hello JennyC Some really great features about the flashlight pens. Are we allowed to also promote a product or service here? It would be good if we could include a small link.