Global Warming

Environmental issues: Shocking facts about Global Warming

The Global Warming is one of the biggest environmental problems that we are facing for the last twenty years. In the last few decades, the degradation of our environment was inevitable. The main reason for this is the consumption of fossil fuels. As a result of that, the Earth’s surface temperature has significantly increased in a short period of time. 

Global Warming

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Below, we have listed some of the most surprising facts about Global Warming:

  • By the end of 21st century, the sea levels will rise by 7-23 inches (According to an IPCC report made in 2007). This is mainly caused by the added water from melting land ice.
Sea Level Rise

<a href="" target="_blank">Source</a>

  • The last two decades have been the hottest in the last 400 years.
  • The Montana Glacier National Park lost around 120 glaciers. Now, there’s only 25 left.
  • One of the worst places that is affected by the Global Warming is the Arctic.
  • A lot of coral reefs are dying out because of the pollution and the high temperatures.
  • The hottest decade period was from 2000 to 2009.

<a href="" target="_blank">Source</a>

  • The human activities are the main cause for the release of around 37 billion of carbon dioxide in metric tons.
  • The average temperature by 2100 is supposed to rise by 5.8 degrees.
  • The heat related deaths are significantly rising, especially from 2000-2100.
  • Hurricanes, droughts, melting of land ice, extinction of endangered kinds, storms, and wildfires are just a part of the Global Warming effects.
  • There can be a life threatening impact caused by massive shortages of food and water.
Global Warming

<a href="" target="_blank">Source</a>

It will be difficult to prevent the world from falling apart while facing these extreme effects caused by the Global Warming. A lot of government bodies, schools and organizations are making efforts in order to raise awareness about this issue. Everyone single person is a “child” of the planet Earth, and needs to feel for the problem and be fully awake about the situation.


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Written by Alex

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